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emails to/from Maitri, may, june 2012
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emails to/from Maitri

may, june 2012

date: Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:07 ET
subj: Painting

Hello all.
Sending you an image of 'Lord Rama Pattabhisheka' painting
i am sure you all too like to see this


Title:     Lord Rama Pattabisheka
Artist:   S Krishnaswamy(Majorly)
Style:   Tanjore Style
Size:    5'x7'
Media:  Oils on canvas, embedded with gold leaf and stones

Warm regds

date:  27 May 2012
Namaskar Maitri

thank you,
these are indeed beautiful, bright, colorful and inspiring images.

did you work on it ?
i couldn't spot you in the 'group making' image .

in Sri Arunachala,

from -
date - Sun, May 27, 2012 at 23:36 ET

Namaskar Arthur

Thank you, I am happy to see your mail :)

of course i worked on it
in fact you see more pictures of mine doing (it is bit deceptive),
though my father has done the major painting work.
i worked mainly on the design and decorative part

>'i couldn't spot you in the 'group making' image'
why do you say this, have i changed so much, do i look so different
to the extent that you are unable to spot me.
this sentence surprises me. i think you are joking.

in His grace

date: 28 May 2012
Namaskar Maitri !

your email is making me laugh at myself.
whoever took the pictures was very very good at
picking the moments when people's faces were turned away.
which is in itself a message that the work is Sri Bhagavan's and
the artists were the 'nameless' instruments.

and you have caught me - i am embarrassed very often
by not being able to remember a friend's name,
tho i can still quote at least one childhood tel.#

i do have a vision (picture in my mind) of your face :
of you - lost in contemplation -
during the night you, Rajeshwari and i last did pradakshina together.
you may age***, or change, but that part that i saw in you will not.
so please accept my apology for not seeing
in the 'making picture' what is 'right under my nose',
tho, now that you say that, there is one person i saw a few times
that made me wonder "is that her?***"

trying to explain this, reminds me of a similar 'problem'
that i had when reading Bhagavat's 4-7 page daily
"prayer at the Shrine of Hermes 3000" (his typewriter)
i would marvel at the depth, strength and spirit of the person who wrote it.
you couldn't point to the style or any one sentence
but there was something 'between the lines' that was a marvel
and i used to shake my head and rub my eyes for not being able to see that
when i stood in front of him.
i used to wonder
    "what is wrong with me,
    that i can't see when i am standing in front of him
    what i 'see' when i read what he wrote ?!?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
*** age is another 'problem' i have:
     up til now, i never feel older than the friend i am with.
    and maybe it causes me to think the friend is as old as i am as well as
    "i am no older than the friend".  i can also say
    you will always look young to me because i will always see the youth
    that *i had* 20 years earlier - so how does the camera of the mind -
    sometimes 'see' something deeper
    and at other times it is fooled by appearances.

sorry for carrying on so long,

in Sri Arunachala,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Arunachala outpost - NH
556 straw hill road
manchester,nh 03104-1679
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

date: Tue, May 29, 2012 at 00:12 ET
subj: Re: : Painting
Namaskar Arthur,

:) i feel you have written a long beautiful letter. i will take time
and read it again may be again and understand, i like to.


date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 02:17 ET
subj: Re: : Painting

Namaskar Arthur,

Thks, something marvelous you have revealed to us in the letter,
frankly which i had not realized or seen before. now i see ‘Only the
vision of Lord Sri Rama’ is on all of us, how beautiful

 So you are remembering only what is to be remembered and seeing only
what is to be seen

I feel akward about myself, being with Bhagavan, this simple plain
truth what Bhagavan has revealed to us i am still struggling to imbibe
(at times it’s hard). The gist of what you have written as i have
understood is this. (tho I do not understand something) ‘To see or
feel, only the real eternal unchanging truth aspect within and ignore
the outer ever changing unreal ’

>trying to explain this, reminds me of a similar 'problem'
that i had when reading Bhagavat's 4-7 page daily
"prayer at the Shrine of Hermes 3000" (his typewriter)….’
Why do you say ‘problem’ that’s how it should be, it is only right,
you are only feeling and seeing what is  truly real, why should it be
shown or seen in the outer form. i read about Arunachala Bhakta
Bhagawat in the website. he is very inspiring, so full of grace. how
fortunate and privileged you are all to have been with him. we also
down loaded the recitations he has sung, to my system.

‘age problem’ your way is a nice way of feeling, you always feel young then  :)
